Does the Bike Coalition have a White Supremacy Problem?
Or did they just waste membership or grant money hiring a social justice grifter to regurgitate woke nonsense?
The short answer is no. This was an act of useless virtue-signaling by mostly “progressive” out-of-touch coastal elites.
But first some housekeeping.
It’s not everyday neo-racist Coups can be overthrown by people such as you! You can become a member of the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition for free. Members do not have to live in the area nor even have an interest in bicycling. Membership is genuinely open to anybody for any reason. No, seriously! All “sides'“ are trying to register as many people as possible to vote for their position. It’s the end-game of democracy: mob-rule.
After becoming a member, be sure to register by July 25th (LESS THAN A WEEK) for the July 27th vote which will occur at 6:30 PDT.
And as always, click either button below to stay up to speed with this neo-racist coup and to spread the word.
In the summer of 2020 after the murder of George Floyd and when Public Health officials decided protesting outside for the correct cause didn't spread COVID, individuals and organizations nearly tripped over each other to see who could virtue signal and out-woke each other. They were strange times indeed. The Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of African American History and Culture released some snippy graphics depicting so-called “White Culture.” In these graphics, they asserted “White Culture” composed of several common themes that more than just “white” people share. Later the Museum removed the images after much controversy.

Fast forward to summer of 2021. The woke virus remained strong in some, particularly within a few individuals embedded with the SDCBC. Apparently “white supremacy culture” was a big enough deal for the organization to hire a social justice grifter consulting firm to set them up straight.
Buckle your helmet straps, bigots.
Sit down, Do The Work and self-flagellate if you lack a significant concentration of melanin.
Bicycling is great exercise but not an effective way to get around town for poor folks. No one is bicycling from TJ to downtown every day. They are taking the trolley to and from the border. They are taking busses and rideshares. The bike advocacy is overwhelmingly elitist and so the groups will inevitably be consumed by intersectional leftist dogma. The US is not Europe. We have very spread out cities. It is silly to ask Americans to be more like Scandinavians when localism is the design of most of Scandinavia.